How to set up a Photo Session with UnferdorferFoto

  • Begin the process by filling out a contact form, or contact me by email: I will respond and we can schedule a pre-photoshoot planning session.
  • We sit down together at our planning session to discuss dates for the photo session(s), locations, wardrobe, and props. You will have a chance to view more samples of my work and ask any questions you might have. The planning session will end when all your questions are answered, and we can set a date and location for your photoshoot!
  • As the day for your photoshoot approaches, I will contact you to confirm the date, time, and location. I will also send you an invoice for the session fee ($95), which you may pay prior to the session online via Venmo or PayPal. You may also simply pay at the session by check (payable to James Unferdorfer) or cash.
  • The actual photoshoot. We meet at the agreed upon location and time, take lots of pictures and have fun!
  • Turn your photos into beautiful artwork! Once you’ve selected the files your would like to have as beautiful, archival prints, we work out a print plan with quantities and sizes.

Click here to see my Portrait Portfolio.